Launch your solution as fast as possible

The Boilerplate with all the necessary features a Kenyan developer needs to launch their solution

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425 Kenyan devs will now be launching projects faster for the rest of their lives

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To Get Started

  1. Request Access
  2. Remember to specify your tech stack
  3. Get Access
  4. git clone launchsuv

Key Features


Landing Page

Landing Page

A conversion optimised landing page

Mpesa STK Push

Mpesa STK Push

Collect Payments with Mpesa STK Push already Integrated

Good Documentation

Good Documentation

Detailed and developer friendly documentation and a ton of readme.mds for a good developer experience


MongoDB Database

MongoDB Database

MongoDB database to store mpesa transactions & data

User Auth& Onboarding

User Auth& Onboarding

Authenticate your users Choose between Google Sign In and the normal user signup and login formats


MySQL Database

MySQL Database

Use MySQL database to store Mpesa transactions & data

Hello I am Jesse Nehemiah

Throughout my years,I have always fantasized about being the next Larry page. After finishing high school, I had a bucket load of ideas about apps and soft-wares that I wanted to build and get rich.I built only a tiny fraction of them ,spent more time than I expected and still got 0 users,some even left unfinished,some succeeded.

I even tried to built a startup that was to have Kenyan banks as the customer. A few years after my burnout, I restarted the journey differently after learning:

I built LaunchSUV for many reasons but the key ones are:

LaunchSUV has been trusted by Kenyans since we launched on 23RD MAY

210 +

Get your application live instantly with our free hosting services.


Automate your backend tasks and workflows with ease.


Create single-page applications with our streamlined tools.


Save hours of repeatitive code,ship fast and get profitable FOR FREE GODAMIT

Mini SUV

Ksh. 1200/Buy Once



Great Documentation

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Medium SUV




Great Documentation

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Full SUV




Great Documentation

Lifetime Updates

Available Support

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Frequently Asked Questions

What is a Boilerplate?

What is a LaunchSUV?

Can I request any specific part

Got any more questions reach out via this Contact Form

Coming soon

New features like email automation and tools are on the way. Stay tuned!